I got out to my car this morning and someone had taken my windsheild wiper off my car and laid it on the hood. They left the wiper arm sticking straight in the air.
So many things ran through my head, first being "am i being watched right now?" This tends to be my first reaction to things that are odd. I figure, if i did something that weird to someone i would want to sit and watch them to see their reaction.
I couldn't see anyone watching me (which doesn't mean much) so i swore under my breath and began trying to fix it.
I sat in my car for a moment and put my boots on since i was in heels and i hate nothing more than getting snow on the inside of my shoes.
So i bumbled around back outside my car and i began examining this detached wiper. I started to get really really annoyed because this stranger called me out. I have no idea how to put this wiper back on. I fail the wiper challenge. Then, i became indignant. "I can fix this, its not a big deal, i will win (against who? I don't know. the wiper blade.... the stranger (idiot))" So i spend a good 5 minutes turning the blade over and trying to push it gingerly back onto this naked windshield wiper arm coming off my car. I didn't think it was broken and i was becoming later and later for work by the minute. I remembered that my brother "Mit" hadn't left for work yet so I made a road side assistance call to his cell.
I stood outside the running car for a few moments and tried desperately to fix it on my own so I wouldnt look like a fool when he got there. As he came tromping across the street and smiled at me, i gave up. We laughed about how ridiculous the whole thing was.
**sidenote**this whole time by the way, im sneakly looking up and in windows to see if im being watched. why am I being sneaky you ask? Pshh, because if i catch someone watching me ill know who did this! Though as I say that, i recognize that they could just be watching me becuase this entire thing is ridiculous and entertaining... but NEVER THE LESS they could be the cluprit!! and then ill get them.*** end sidenote***
So, Mit literally popped the wiper right back on and showed me how to do it in the future. I had been attempting to put it back on upsidedown and kind of backwards. (it was logical to me but apparently not as easy as how it was actually made to snap on) I thanked Mit and wished him a good day and hopped back into my poor assaulted car. My wipers back on, and the heat blaring I made a quick call to work before I hit the gas. (I always wonder if they think im making up outlandish stories to cover something boring, like my alarm not going off, but this kind of stuff seems to happen to me alot!)
As I drove along listening to "hey there delilah" on the radio, I began musing about a few things:
1. I could have got to work without my wiper but it may have been dangerous since it had started to snow
2. What possible reason would someone have for doing some thing that stupid? Here are my suspicions:
- someone thought it was their own car and started to switch their wiper blades, then realizing it wasn't their car, got embarrased and walked away
-someone started stealing it and a cop drove by so they left it
-someone thought it would be a funny prank because they were drunk or just plain stupid
-someone started stealing it, planning to take both, and then realized that I only have one good wiper and the other one is a piece of junk so they left it (which would be awesome because then I would benefit from being cheap)
This is all I've come up with. I'm more annoyed that Ill never get an answer than I am that it happened. But, if I ever do find out who did it, I am going to demand $15 for compensation for making me late for work.
Hopefully this will be a fun weekend!
me and Mit
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